
Documents necessary for conclusion of contracts on delivery of production of LLP «Aktobe refinery»

- Certificate of state registration/re-registration of a legal entity;

- Certificate of registration for value added tax;

- Taxpayer's Certificate;

- Certificate of Accreditation of the Ministry of Oil and Gas (for future resale);

- A copy of the registration card for the location of the facility;

- Statute;

- Statistical card (if available);

- Decision of the authorized body on election (appointment) of the executive body

- Power of attorney for the right to sign the contract (if the person signing the contract is not acting on the basis of the Charter of the company);

* The documents submitted shall be notarized or certified by the main seal of the legal entity.

Documents for download

Temporary rules for the sale of products of «Aktobe Refinery LLP»

Model sales and purchase agreement for products manufactured by Aktobe Refinery LLP

Sample application for participation in the auction for the sale of products of production of Aktobe Refinery LLP

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Aktobe refinery

Aktobe city,
Sazdinskom C/o, 401 plot