
Caring for the environment!

Aktobe Oil Refining LLP considers preserving the natural environment and reducing the negative impact of its operations on the ecology of the city of Aktobe to be an important social objective. The enterprise's strategy in the field of responsible attitude to the environment is aimed at search and application of optimal technological solutions that minimize the technogenic impact of production activities on the ecosystem of the regions.

The use of the latest scientific achievements and modern technologies in oil refining and constant internal environmental control allows us to conduct our business in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility. In addition, our company has an environmental policy, which formulates its own goals and objectives in the field of environmental protection.

Basic Environmental Principles:

  • compliance with all requirements and norms of environmental legislation;
  • improving the environmental performance of production processes;
  • taking into account environmental requirements in the investment policy during the reconstruction and development of production;
  • regular monitoring of the environmental impact of the enterprises' production activities;
  • rational and efficient use of natural resources, utilization of production waste;
  • conducting systematic training, informing and involving personnel in environmental protection issues;
  • compliance by all employees with environmental rules and regulations;
  • informing stakeholders about environmental protection activities.

In the field of ecology, the enterprise carries out large-scale environmental protection activities, including regular environmental monitoring at production facilities and implementation of energy-saving technologies.

Our enterprise complies with the requirements of Kazakhstani standards in the field of environmental management systems, carries out continuous environmental monitoring as part of industrial environmental control, and periodically upgrades equipment in technological processes.

Priority directions of the enterprise's activities in the field of environmental protection:

  1. Emissions Management;
  2. Rational use of water resources;
  3. Improving energy efficiency;
  4. Sound waste management.

In its production activities the company implements the tasks on mitigation of negative impact on the environment through modernization of equipment and introduction of modern environmentally safe and resource-saving technologies, as well as on training of necessary competent employees in the field of environmental safety.

The growth of investments of the enterprise in projects in the field of ecology causes the increase of total expenditures on environmental protection measures. In general, for the last 3 years, 759,087,094 tenge was spent on current and investment activities for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

Trees were planted outside the boundary of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise.

Over the last 3 years, a set of projects has been implemented to address environmental protection challenges. The company constantly invests in modernization of production equipment, which helps to improve operational efficiency and reduce atmospheric emissions.

Plans for the medium term

In the medium term, the company will focus its efforts on developing internal corporate procedures in the field of environmental management and their implementation, including the development and implementation of unified reporting on environmental protection indicators;

Waste Management Program;

Greening of the territory of the sanitary protection zone;

Environmental Contractor Management Programs;

Developing a culture of environmental safety and respect for the environment among employees.

As part of the investment program, the company will continue to implement measures to modernize process equipment, carry out scheduled current and capital repairs of process equipment, implement environmental measures, conduct a comprehensive assessment of all existing facilities that have a negative impact on the environment.

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Aktobe refinery

Aktobe city,
Sazdinskom C/o, 401 plot